A student once said, “Even though I think I understand Oki-sensei’s philosophy introduced in the articles of this blog by reading and thinking over the words, I can’t actually use it well. For example, when I took a yoga lesson from my teacher and was asked to write feedback, I thought that I should write it.… Read more
Shared Feedback From a Participant – Ms.A
I received a feedback from Ms.A, who attended a recent workshop that I personally ran. Ms. A has been teaching in yoga classes. The technical things that Ms. A mentions in this feedback are not something I learned as “particular Oki Yoga techniques”, but on the other hand, there is something that I think is unique to Oki Yoga.… Read more
Exercises You can Do at Your Desk
As our time to look at the computer screen increases, we are advised to take our eyes off the screen and look into the distance regularly. Similarly, while we work at the desk for a long time in the same position, our body needs exercises to balance the way we use our body.… Read more
Six sets of acupoints for the eyes
‘Daily Life Yoga’, one of Masahiro Oki’s Japanese books, is being translated for future publication. Here is a part of it, which introduces acupressure to six sets of acupoints for the eyes. It can be easily done wherever.
Muscles around our eyes become tense and tired when we look at a fixed object long.… Read more
‘Yogic Diet’ described by Masahiro Oki – 3
This continues from ‘Yogic Diet’ described by Masahiro Oki – 2, being a part of translation of one of Masahiro Oki’s Japanese books, which introduces ‘Daily Life Yoga‘. This part is in the fifth chapter ‘Yoga in Your Home‘.… Read more
My Thoughts triggered by Masahiro Oki’s ‘Three Principles of Becoming Healthy’
In my last post, Masahiro Oki’s “Three Principles of Becoming Healthy,” he states the following three things as the principles of becoming healthy as human beings.
1)- In order to improve our ability of maintaining physiological balance, it is important to regulate and enhance our body’s functions by keeping a natural posture at all times, taking a suitable diet, and improving our sensibility through full breathing.… Read more
‘Three Principles of Becoming Healthy’ by Masahiro Oki
There is a Japanese book written by Masahiro Oki, which title can be “Discovering the Joy of Living through Yoga“. I have translated a section of the first chapter in Part 1. The translation has been assisted by Anna Mackenzie.… Read more
‘Yogic Diet’ described by Masahiro Oki – 2
This continues from ‘Yogic Diet’ described by Masahiro Oki – 1, being a part of translation of one of Masahiro Oki’s Japanese books, which introduces ‘Daily Life Yoga‘. This part is in the first chapter ‘How to Control Our Mind and Body through Yoga‘.… Read more
‘Yogic Diet’ described by Masahiro Oki – 1
It has been 10 months since the last blog article was posted. I was busy with translation of one of Masahiro Oki’s Japanese books, being assisted by Junko Furugori, Michael Cullingworth and Hiroyuki Mori. The book introduces ‘Daily Life Yoga‘.… Read more
A Way to Self-Control
I posted ‘What is a ‘Religious’ Way of Life? – Part1 of 3‘ on 2021.06.16. Item 11 in there says as follows: In order to have a human mind and body and live a human life, we must be aware of our special ability and cultivate it.… Read more