Yama and Niyama The following is extracted from Oki-sensi's book 'Meditation Yoga'. (http://okidoyoga.org.uk/books.html) Yama and Niyama are an autonomous morality which is self-imposed, not laid down by an imperative authority, and a natural morality which prohibit only those actions and behavior that are opposed to the development of mind-heart, body and lifestyle. Yama are the basic daily moral codes which protect the mind-heart against disturnbances. The five aspects presented in Patanjali's Yoga-Sutra are: 1. No killing 2. No falseness 3. No stealing 4. Chastity 5. no coveting Niyama are recommendations for a harmonious human life rather than moral codes. These five aspects are: 1. Cleaniness - in the meaning of 'to keep the mind-heart undisturbed by immoderate desires, thoughts and emotions'. 2. Satisfaction - in the meaning of 'to experience content mind-heart, whether or not your desires are fullfilled'. 3. Order - in the meaning of 'a state in which everything is according to the law of nature'. 4. Study and Research - in the meaning of 'to make a sincere effort to comprehend the truth and to see everything in its reality'. 5. Concentration on God - in the meaning of 'to deepen our toughts about life and to maintain the purity of mind-heart'. Oki-sensei views 'God' as 'the fuctioning of the Lifeforce itself'.